Card Game Sim

An End-to-End Card Game Simulation Project

Project Overview

Card Game Sim is an ambitious project aimed at creating a realistic card game experience from data collection to game play.

Step 1: Scrape Card Data with Python

The first phase of the project involves using Python and Selenium to scrape card data from the Union Arena Card List page. This step includes:

Note: If you want to run the code yourself, simply change the chrome_driver_path variable in the code to match the location of ChromeDriver on your computer.

Code Excerpt

# Ask user for the number of cards to scrape
num_cards_to_scrape = int(input("Enter number of cards to scrape: "))
cards_data = []

def scrape_current_card():
  # Wait for the detail iframe to load and switch into it
  iframe = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
      EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".fancybox-iframe"))
  html = driver.page_source
  soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
  # Extract details...
  card_name = soup.find("h2", class_="cardNameCol").get_text(strip=True)
  card_number = soup.select_one("div.cardNumCol span.cardNumData").get_text(strip=True)
  img_dd = soup.find("dd", class_="cardDataImgCol")
  img_tag = img_dd.find("img") if img_dd else None
  image_url = ("" + img_tag.get("src")) if img_tag and img_tag.get("src").startswith("/") else None
  bp = soup.select_one("dl.cardDataCol.bpData dd.cardDataContents").get_text(strip=True)
  effect_dd = soup.select_one("dl.cardDataCol.effectData dd.cardDataContents")
  if effect_dd:
      effect_img = effect_dd.find("img")
      effect_label = effect_img.get("alt", "").strip() if effect_img else ""
      effect_text = effect_dd.get_text(strip=True).replace(effect_label, "").strip()
      effect = effect_label + " - " + effect_text if effect_label else effect_text
      effect = "N/A"
  trigger = soup.select_one("dl.cardDataCol.triggerData dd.cardDataContents").get_text(strip=True)
  ap_cost = soup.select_one("dl.cardDataCol.apData dd.cardDataContents").get_text(strip=True)
  return {
      "Card Name": card_name,
      "Card Number": card_number,
      "Image URL": image_url,
      "BP": bp,
      "Effect": effect,
      "Trigger": trigger,
      "AP Cost": ap_cost

# Click on the first card and scrape its details
first_card_link = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
  EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "li.cardImgCol:not([style*='display: none']) a.modalCardDataOpen"))
print("Scraped card 1.")

# Loop through subsequent cards using the Next button in the modal
for i in range(1, num_cards_to_scrape):
  next_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
      EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.fancybox-navigation button[data-fancybox-next]"))
  print(f"Scraped card {i+1}.")


This code snippet shows the complete Step 1 process. It first applies the filter, then clicks the first card, scrapes its details, and then iterates through the desired number of cards by clicking the Next button.

Scraper Resources

For more details visit the GitHub repository.

View on GitHub

Step 2: Store Data in PostgreSQL

Once the data is scraped, it will be stored in a PostgreSQL database. The main tasks here include:

A well-designed database is essential for serving data quickly and reliably to the game’s API.

Step 3: Build API Using FastAPI

The next phase focuses on building a RESTful API with FastAPI in Python. This API will:

FastAPI’s performance and asynchronous support make it an ideal choice for managing real-time game interactions.

Step 4: Develop Game UI and Mechanics in Unity & C#

With the backend in place, the focus shifts to the game interface. This step includes:

This phase transforms raw data and logic into an immersive, interactive game environment.

Step 5: Implement Multiplayer Turn-Based Logic

The final phase is to integrate multiplayer functionality, focusing on turn-based gameplay. This involves:

This step is aims to deliver a seamless multiplayer experience.

Project Status & Future Plans

Card Game Sim is a work in progress. As each phase is developed, additional features and optimizations will be implemented to improve data accuracy, game mechanics, and user experience. Stay tuned for more updates as the project evolves!

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